Integrated Healthcare

Providing Patient-Focused Care

We aim to provide easy access to quality care while controlling costs and improving outcomes for those we serve through innovative technology platforms and logistical management solutions. Our patient-centric integrated healthcare solutions are supported by our medical command centers, helping to deliver the right care for the right patient, at the right time and in the most cost-efficient manner.

Access to Care

Atlanta Pro Ambulance’s medical command center links mobile healthcare resources, coordinating and integrating them to effectively meet patient needs. Through a network of physical care coordination and communication centers, they connect 911, nurse advice services, primary care physician practices, and clinical teams by phone, telemedicine, or consultation with other clinicians.

This improves the patient experience and health outcomes throughout the continuum by providing:

  • clinical triage and care navigation,
  • telehealth monitoring services,
  • patient engagement services,
  • care coordination,
  • and unplanned care management.

Occupational Health Management

The aim of occupational health management is to ensure the optimum well-being of employees in a wide range of settings. Our services are tailored to suit the needs of businesses, from industrial, corporate, urban, rural, and remote environments.

We provide a comprehensive triage and care navigation service for those that suffer workplace injuries or exposures, allowing for a streamlined and efficient process that will direct employees to the right place at the right time, reducing unnecessary ER trips and saving time and money.

Our program offers:

  • care for workplace injuries,
  • employee physicals,
  • drug testing,
  • transport services,
  • telehealth,
  • medical direction and administration,
  • safety & emergency services instruction,
  • electronic medical records & storage.

In need of a medical team or services in your location?

Get Life-Saving Solutions with Atlanta Pro Ambulance